
Monday, May 31, 2010

Arrogance does not suit a mortal man!

We are born we weak, we die weak. We are born helpless and when we die we are the most helpless being you can imagine. What is a person when dead, a piece of dead meat and bones, relying on the mercy of others to bury him or worse still relying on nature to clear away his remains in an unfathomably horrid way, considering if the same treatment was given to an alive person. What is a human? i wonder how we humans can bear to be arrogant, cruel and all the bad things you can think of. No wonder Allah dislikes a man who has "gharoor". No doubt it does not suit a mortal man. What good is arrogance when dead! You are arrogant a moment you might be dead the next!

Growing old is tough

Its only been 25 years and still when suddenly the death of beloved forced a rush of ancient memories, their weight felt so heavy on my heart. It has just been 25 years and still the sweet memories of the past can be at the same time pleasing and unpleasant reminder of what I lost as i grew up. The innocence, the joy of small things, the 5 rupee kharchi, the mela's, the matti ka lattoo, the kindergarten parties with sweets and candies. Ah i miss them, and more than that i miss him. My nana, he used to take us to darbar on the annual mela, i remeber the stalls of cheap toys(according to modern day standard :( ), the thrill, the crowd, the energy. The pina on basant and additional funding for buying para's and nakhloa's :`(. The small things that made me so happy. All lost in the mist of time.
Now life is much more complicated, the small things in life no longer give joy. The definition of joy has been changed to something more of a money related thingy, the more money you have the happier you are, um hating this society its norms, its forced influences and the way it has moulded us into something much less humanly. It hurts, it really does. Today i realised what i lost whilst growing up. It aches so bad that i dare not think what load i'd be carrying on my heart in as the years go by. Growing old i find is the toughest thing of all if you think about it. At least i reached this conclusion today.

12 hours past death

Today is a sad day. The sudden death of my grandfather has left me in a state of :O Nothing seems in place and everything seems so out of context. I thought i knew what death is, but know um not so sure. What is death? Someone explain it to me......

Ubuntu 10.4

Well Ubuntu's latest version has failed to impress me so far. The very first time i got on with some business i had to face some bugs :s. I use it on a virtual box. I tried mounting the shared folder and each time it gave me a stupid error, "invalid arguments", i reinstalled Vbox Guest additions all in vain. Went through lot and lots of posts and still no use. Guess what the problem was?? For some reason it did not like the share folder name which was "Desktop", i simply changed it to abc and there it was, DONE!
Ubunutu 10.4 fails to impress me so far. My general feeling about it, its for people who are new to linux and want an OS full of Shashka's, instant PM's and social networking bla bla bla....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Everything is for the better!

The killer heat! :s The heat is killing everyone, day after day the temperature keeps on increasing, it has reached 52 in some areas of Sindh and its still May. The only comfort i find in this thought is the fact that, with all this heat the tracks up North would clear up early and that means more time to visit those places :) Last year even in mid August it was so cold up North and the glacial ice had not given way. On the track to Dudipat there were big glaciers still there and even the river was flowing under a glacier at the apex of the lake. But this time around the true beauty hidden underneath the snow has better chances of getting exposed :)

On a serious note!

Exams suck! I dont feel like preparing for my exam on Friday :s

God is not cruel

When one sees the disabled he mostly feels that what sort of a God is God, that makes this man suffer? But well have you considered the fact that human mind works on relative knowledge. Everything is relative. In order to appreciate health we need to know of suffering. In order to appreciate happiness we need to know what sadness is. Same goes for Good and Evil, light and dark etc.
So reasoning on these lines one can conclude, God is not cruel. He made the disabled so that we may realize our abilities. Next time you see something that gets you wondering, may be you need to think different and thank God for what you have. :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Metal Slug Super Vehicle 1 WOHOOOOO!

Reminded me of the old days wen i used to sneak out to the arcade to play video games, old games still have their charm, in fact more charm than the current ones. :)

Yeah Babe the future is this!

A very interesting website to keep in touch with the latest from the world of material physics and alternative energy, my current love! :)

TED, wasting time was never so productive :)

One of the best websites out there. Surfing could not be more fun yet productive . I would recommend everyone to visit this website

For Operating Systems students! this link is for my students, they might find it helpful in learning C language. :)

The end is just the beginning :)

They say you only realize a thing's importance when it is gone. Well i just experienced something similar. With FaceBook gone, i just realized how wasteful it had been. It used to suck out so many hours from my life daily. Now that it is gone i could focus on things more useful. Yeah! You guessed it right, since i could not think of doing anything else, i decided to update my blog today!