Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Lab 4 - Advanced spread sheet techniques
You are to download this file. It is self explanatory. You are to supposed to reproduce this sheet. Follow all the steps mentioned and thats it for the lab. Once again as always make sure submit it online on your respective drop.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Ubuntu Login accounts
Your login accounts have been made, you can get them from lab support. Make sure you get your passwords before you come in lab on Tuesday!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lab work submission
All the labwork will be submitted online. I have created separate drops for all sections. All labwork, assignments and projects should be submitted online.
The follwoing drops have been created
Data Communication and Networks lab - El-1 www.drop.io/dcn1fa2010
Data Communication and Networks lab - El-2 www.drop.io/dcn2fa2010
The password for the guest account is 123456 for all the drops. Make sure you submit your work on your designated drop.
Submission format
You are advised to strictly follow the submission guidelines.
If you have more than one files zip them or tar them into a single archive. Rename the archive to <lab #>-<roll number> e.g. lab11-104535
Any work submitted in non-standard format will not be acceptable and will result in loss of marks.
Lab work submission
All the labwork will be submitted online. I have created separate drops for all sections. All labwork, assignments and projects should be submitted online.
The follwoing drops have been created
Programming for Engineers lab - El-1 www.drop.io/p4e1fa2010
Programming for Engineers lab - El-2 www.drop.io/p4e2fa2010
Programming for Engineers lab - El-5 www.drop.io/p4e5fa2010
Programming for Engineers lab - El-6 www.drop.io/p4e6fa2010
The password for the guest account is 123456 for all the drops. Make sure you submit your work on your designated drop.
Submission format
You are advised to strictly follow the submission guidelines.
If you have more than one files zip them or tar them into a single archive. Rename the archive to <lab #>-<roll number> e.g. lab11-104535
Any work submitted in non-standard format will not be acceptable and will result in loss of marks.
Lab work submission
All the labwork will be submitted online. I have created separate drops for all sections. All labwork, assignments and projects should be submitted online.
The follwoing drops have been created
Programming for Engineers lab - El-1 www.drop.io/p4e1fa2010
Programming for Engineers lab - El-2 www.drop.io/p4e2fa2010
Programming for Engineers lab - El-5 www.drop.io/p4e5fa2010
Programming for Engineers lab - El-6 www.drop.io/p4e6fa2010
The password for the guest account is 123456 for all the drops. Make sure you submit your work on your designated drop.
Submission format
You are advised to strictly follow the submission guidelines.
If you have more than one files zip them or tar them into a single archive. Rename the archive to <lab #>-<roll number> e.g. lab11-104535
Any work submitted in non-standard format will not be acceptable and will result in loss of marks.
Removing Ubuntu
It is rumoured that uninstalling Ubuntu is not possible. Well the news is, it is very much possible to remove Ubuntu.
Here is how to do it.
1. Boot into windows
2. Go to control panel -> Administrative tools -> computer management -> disk management.
3. Over here select the drive on which ubuntu is installed, right click and select delete drive
4. Now you may wish to turn it into a new drive by right clicking and creating a new volume, partition logical drive etc, based upon your configuration
5. Insert a windows cd. windows xp or windows 7
6. Reboot your computer and startup select boot options (usually F12 key brings up this menu) and select boot from CD.
7. Press any key to continue
8. Now while the CD loads do not press any function key.
9. On the menu that finally appears press R to enter the recovery console
10. It will search for already installed windows
11. Select appropriate number for the windows install, usually with a single windows installation it is 1.
12. Now if asked for a password provide the administrator password. This is usually the password with which you log in or in case you dont have one then just press enter.
13. Issue the command fixmbr
14. It will give some scary warnings, at your own risk press "y" :p
15. Your done. Reboot and enjoy! :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My new blogs
For Programing for Engineer students
For Data Communication and Network students
Otcl Tutorials
Here are a few links to Otcl tutorials
A full tutorial on tcl and ns2 is also attached
You can also start looking at the tutorial below, so that you are comfortable in the next lab.
Otcl and ns2
I have been receiving emails on how to run otcl code. In order to run ns2 code you need to have ns2 installed which is already installed in the lab. In case you wish to install it on your home PC's, you can refer to the following post regarding installation instructions. http://zaidmunir.blogspot.com/2010/06/installing-ns2-on-ubuntu-910.html
Friday, August 20, 2010
Ubuntu Installation - Tips and tricks
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Installing Pspice under Ubuntu
For the tech savy
P4E-I Lab 1 & Lab 2 Fall 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
DCN lab 2 - FALL 2010
You can google and follow any tutorial on tcl that you wish. A list of tcl tutorials is also given here:
1. http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/tutorial/tcltutorial.html
2. http://users.belgacom.net/bruno.champagne/tcl.html
Monday, August 16, 2010
Quote of the day
So true for Ubuntu :p :D
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ubuntu suxs when you get to know it well! Its a nightmare
sudo dpkg-reconfigure adduser
Give "no" for an answer
Also don't forget to add this line to ~/.profile
umask 077
Then you may also want to do this
cp ~/.profile /etc/skel
this will change the default (pathetic) rights on files created by a user form 755 to 700. Note: this change will only be for users that are added after you made this change.
Or instead of changing and copying the ~./profile into etc/skel you may just simply change /etc/profile. At the end of this file you would find umask 022 change it to 077. Enjoy :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Recovering lost Ubuntu installation after installing windows
Or alternately you can choose to do it manually
Boot from a live cd of Ubuntu 10.04.
First, find out about your drives.
sudo fdisk -l
mkdir /home/mtf sudo mount /dev/sda2 /home/mtf
If you have multiple such drives and are confused, then you can check the drives by mounting each of them and looking at the contents to see which is which. You can mount multiple drives on different folders using the steps mentioned above. You may also mount to the same folder (not consecutively) by unmounting the former drive.In this example /dev/sda2 is unmounted and /dev/sda3 is mounted in its stead
sudo umount /home/mtf sudo mount /dev/sd3 /home/mtf
sudo grub-install --root-directory=/path-of-mounted-drive-with-ubuntu-install /dev/sdx
In my example, /dev/sda3 is the drive with Ubuntu installation, mounted on /home/mtf so the command would be
sudo grub-install --root-directory=/home/mtf /dev/sda
Additionally to ensure everything is in order boot into your Ubuntu and then do the following to fix any missing or malfunctioning entries in grub
sudo update-grub